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Barnes and Noble ebooks, Barnes Noble bookstore locations CNY
Colonie Centre 131 Colonie Center Suite 355 Albany, NY 12205 518-438-1728 Clay 3956 Route 31 Liverpool, NY 13090 315-622-0370
Dewitt Raymour & Flanigan Plaza 3454 Erie Boulevard East Dewitt, NY 13214 315-449-2948 Ithaca Tops Plaza 614 South Meadow Ithaca, NY 14850 607-273-6784 Kingston Ulster Plaza 1177 Ulster Avenue Kingston, NY 12401 845-336-0590 New Hartford Consumer Square 4811 Commercial Drive New Hartford, NY 13413 315-768-1075
Greece Mall at Greece Ridge Center 330 Greece Ridge Center Drive Rochester, NY 14626 585-227-4020 Pittsford Pittsford Plaza 3349 Monroe Avenue Rochester, NY 14618 585-586-6020More Barnes Noble bookstore locations
Saratoga Wilton Square 3029 State Route 50 Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-583-7717 Vestal Town Square Mall 2443 Vestal Parkway East Vestal, NY 13850 607-770-9505 Towne Center at Webster Webster Towne Center 1070 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580 585-872-9710
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