Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area


   Find Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area, with addresses, phone numbers, web pages, more. This site is constantly being updated. Please send any changes, corrections, missing information to

Westside Community Chapel
6198 Airport Rd.
Ambroy, NY 13209

Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area

Temple Baptist Church Temple Baptist Church
2295 Downer St.
Baldwinsville, NY 13027
Temple Baptist Church

Calvary Baptist Church Brewerton Calvary Baptist Church Brewerton
9251 Brewerton Road
Brewerton, NY 13029
Calvary Baptist Church Brewerton

Imperfect Church
Imperfect Church
4947 West Genesee
Camillus, NY 13031
Imperfect Church

Beacon Baptist Church Beacon Baptist Church
4800 Route 31
Clay, NY 13041
Beacon Baptist Church

First Baptist Church of Memphis First Baptist Church of Memphis
1960 W. Genesee Turnpike
Elbridge, NY 13060
First Baptist Church of Memphis

Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area

Calvary Baptist Church Fulton Calvary Baptist Church Fulton
922 W. First St.
Fulton, NY 13069
Calvary Baptist Church Fulton

First United Church of Fulton First United Church of Fulton
33 S.3rd. St.
Fulton, NY 13069
First United Church of Fulton

First Baptist Church

First Baptist Church
16 County Route 57A
Phoenix, NY 13135
First Baptist Church

gygy Antioch Missionary Baptist Church
104 Elizabeth St.
Syracuse, NY 13205

Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area

Bell Grove Missionary Baptist Church

Bell Grove Missionary Baptist Church
219 Martin Luther King West
Syracuse, NY 13205
Bell Grove Missionary Baptist Church

Mount Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church
123 W Corning Ave,
Syracuse, NY 13205
(315) 448-0254

New Hope Missionary Baptist Church New Hope Missionary Baptist Church
241 West Lafayette Avenue,
Syracuse, NY 13205
New Hope Missionary Baptist Church

New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church
1034 Montgomery
Syracuse, NY 13202
New Jerusalem Missionary Baptist Church

New Testament Missionary Baptist Church
(315) 422-9777
1121 S. Salina St.
Syracuse, NY 13205
New Testament Missionary Baptist Church

Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area

Pentecost Evangelical Missionary Baptist Church Pentecost Evangelical Missionary Baptist Church
1650 S.State St.
Syracuse, NY 13205
Pentecost Evangelical Missionary Baptist Church

Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church
317 E. Jefferson St.
Syracuse, NY 13202
Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church

St.Lukes Missionary Baptist Church St.Lukes Missionary Baptist Church
216 Lexington Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13210 St. Lukes Missionary Baptist Church

Second Olivet Missionary Baptist Church Second Olivet Missionary Baptist Church
818 S. West St.
Syracuse, NY 13202
Second Olivet Missionary Baptist Church

Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area

Southern Missionary Baptist Church Southern Missionary Baptist Church
3143 Midland Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13205
Southern Missionary Baptist Church

Truevine Baptist Church Truevine Baptist Church
353 Rich St., P.O. Box 6
Syracuse, NY 13207
Truevine Baptist Church

Tucker Missionary Baptist Church Tucker Missionary Baptist Church
515 Oakwood Ave.
Syracuse, NY 13205
Tucker Missionary Baptist Church

Grace Baptist Church
61 State St.
Tully, NY 13159
Grace Baptist Church

Also Check our Cookbook recipes put together by a small town Ladies Auxiliary in 1975.

Baptist Church in Syracuse NY Area