Seventh Day Adventists Churches Syracuse NY Area

Seventh Day Adventists

   Find The Seventh Day Adventists Churches Syracuse NY Area, with addresses, phone numbers, web pages, more. This site is constantly being updated. Please send any changes, corrections, missing information to

Seventh Day Adventists Churches Syracuse NY Area

Mt.Carmel Seventh Day Adventist Church Mt.Carmel Seventh Day Adventist Church
315-422-3899, 315-471-6424
1926 Midland Ave,
Syracuse, NY 13205
Mt.Carmel Seventh Day Adventist Church

Westvale Seventh-Day Adventist Church Westvale Seventh-Day Adventist Church
2511 West Genesee Street,
Syracuse NY 13219-1549
Westvale Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Fulton Seventh Day Adventist Church Fulton Seventh Day Adventist Church
783 County Route 3,
Fulton, NY 13069
Fulton Seventh Day Adventist Church

Roosevelt Seventh-Day Adventist Church Roosevelt Seventh-Day Adventist Church
4456 State Route 49,
Fulton, NY 13069
Roosevelt Seventh-Day Adventist Church

Also Check our Cookbook recipes put together by a small town Ladies Auxiliary in 1975.

Seventh Day Adventists Churches Syracuse NY Area