Raised Doughnut

Yeast Raised Doughnut Recipe

Enjoy quick and easy recipes from an old cookbook made about fifty years ago from a rural community plus a recipe from the White House, Mrs.Gerald Ford, the First Lady's Strawberry Blitz Torte recipe from 1975. Also a recipe from the Vice Presidents wife, Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller.

Yeast Raised Doughnut Recipe

   Ingredients required
1 cake yeast
1 tbsp suggar
1 1/4 cup milk scalded and cooled
4 1/2 cup flour
3 tablespoons butter
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 tablespoon salt
one egg, well beaten
one teaspoon nutmeg

Preheat fat 375 degrees

Instructions for Yeast Raised Doughnut Recipe

   Dissolve yeast and 1 tbsp of sugar in lukewarm milk. Add 1 1/2 cups of flour and beat well. Cover and let rise in warm place about 1 hour until bubbles burst on top. Cream butter and sugar. Add salt, egg and Nutmeg. Add to yeast. Add remaining flour to make moderately soft dough. Knead lately. Place in well greased bowl. Cover and let rise 1 1/2 hours. Place on board when light and cut 1/4 inch thick. Cover and let rise 1 hour. Fry in hot fat 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Roll in powdered sugar or glaze.

Yeast Raised Doughnut Recipe